Prosecutor Jerry Blackwell plays bystander video, says case ‘is not about all police’

The former Minneapolis police officer charged with killing George Floyd went on trial Monday, with prosecutors promptly showing the jury the video of Derek Chauvin pressing his knee on the black man’s neck for several minutes as onlookers yelled at Chauvin to get off and Floyd gasped that he couldn’t breathe. In opening statements, prosecutor Jerry Blackwell told the jury that the number to remember was 9 minutes, 29 seconds — the amount of time Chauvin had Floyd pinned to the pavement with his knee last May in the case that triggered scattered violence and a national reckoning over racial injustice.

What’s happened so far in Chauvin’s trial?

On Monday, March 8, the first trial in the death of George Floyd is scheduled to start with jury selection procedures. Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in Floyd’s death. What happened:
officers responded to a store in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020 where Floyd was and accused him of using counterfeit money. Chauvin is accused of kneeling on Floyd’s head and neck for more than eight minutes, resulting in his death. Floyd can be heard on cell phone video gasping for air and telling Chauvin and three other officers nearby that he couldn’t breathe.

A judge said Friday he won’t delay or move the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who is charged with murder and manslaughter in George Floyd’s death. Chauvin’s attorneys had raised concerns that a $27 million settlement for Floyd’s family could taint the jury pool. The judge will allow limited evidence from when Floyd was arrested in 2019. Meanwhile, a 13th juror was seated Friday — a woman who said she has only seen clips of the video of Floyd’s arrest and needs to learn more about what happened beforehand. The jury will include 12 jurors and two alternates.

George Floyd: When does Derek Chauvin’s trial start?

The star tribune will livestream the entire Derek Chauvin trial. You can also watch the archived video from previous days in the trial. After pressing play, if the video player shows a static image of the State of Minnesota Seal, court is likely in recess. Check the star tribune main page for updates on when court will return to session.

What happened to George Floyd?

Minneapolis — the long process of jury selection for a former Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd’s death began Tuesday with two jurors picked and five dismissed, including some who said they would not be able to set aside their views on what happened. One woman who was dismissed said: “I definitely have strong opinions about the case. I think I can try to be impartial – I don’t know that I can promise impartiality. ”

Minneapolis — a video recorded by a 17-year-old girl and posted to facebook showed the world what happened to George Floyd on May 25, 2020. At about 8 o’clock that night, a worker at Cup Foods at 38th and Chicago calls 911 to report someone passing a fake $20 bill. Rookie officers Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng respond – and confront George Floyd sitting in the driver’s seat of a car outside the store.

When does Derek Chauvin go on trial?

The trial of Derek Chauvin resumed after a short recess as Mr. Chauvin’s defense team began its cross-examination of Alisha Oyler, a gas station worker at a Speedway across the street from where George Floyd was killed. Ms Oyler recorded several videos of the event on her phone, which were entered as evidence by the prosecution.

Prosecutors called their first two witnesses and began laying out their case Monday in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin , charged with killing George Floyd and touching off worldwide protests calling for police reform. Any question about how and when the graphic bystander video of Floyd’s death would be used in the trial was answered just minutes into Monday’s opening statements. The prosecution played the whole video for the jury – all 9 minutes and 29 seconds of it, complete with audio of Floyd gasping “i can’t breathe” 27 times and witnesses urging Chauvin to get off Floyd’s neck.

Alisha Oyler, who works at a Speedway across the street from Cup Foods, the site where George Floyd was killed, was called as the state’s second witness during Mr Chauvin’s trial. She said she was a shift leader at the gas station at the time of the incident.

Eric Nelson, Derek Chauvin’s defense attorney, called 911 dispatcher Jena Scurry’s qualifications to report police use of force into question during his cross-examination.

President Joe Biden will “be watching closely” the trial of Derek Chauvin, white house press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday. “At the time of George Floyd’s death, he talked about this as being an event that really opened up a wound in the American public and really brought to light for a lot of people in this country just the kind of racial injustice and inequality that many communities are experiencing every single day,” Psaki said.

‘Everything is riding on the outcome’: Minneapolis braces for Chauvin trial

The first witness called in the trial against Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd was a Minneapolis 911 dispatcher who called police while witnessing Floyd’s arrest. Jena Lee Scurry was called by prosecutors on Monday. Scurry called police after witnessing Floyd’s arrest on a live feed police camera near the neighborhood, the prosecution said in its opening statement. “You’ll learn that what she saw was so unusual and for her so disturbing that she did something she had never done in her career — she called the police on the police,” prosecutor Jerry Blackwell said in his opening statement.

The article George Floyd Trial Begins With Gusto first appeared on .

The article George Floyd Trial Begins With Gusto first appeared on

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